Geography & Disaster Management
School of Earth & Environmental Sciences
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Board of Studies
Minutes of PG Board of Studies(2019-2023)
Minutes of UG Board of Studies(2019-2023)
Minutes of UG Board of Studies 2024
DRC Meetings
DRC meetings(2019-2020)
DRC meetings(2021-2022)
DRC meetings(2023-2024
NAAC SSR (2019-2023)
Criteria-01 (Curricular Aspects)
Course Outcomes M.A/M.Sc Geography
Course Outcomes M.A/M.Sc Disaster Management
Board of Studies PG
Board of Studies UG
Minutes of UG Board of Studies-2024
Criteria-02 ( Teaching Learning & Evaluation)
2.3.2. Mentor-Mentees
2.1.1 Dissertation Geography
2.1.2 Dissertation D.M
2.1.3 Field Studies Geog. & D.M
2.5.2 Students Grievances Grievances about Evaluation
Criteria-03(Research, Innovations and Extensions)
3.1.3 Teachers Awarded Intl.Fellowship
3.1.4 Fellowship Letters JRF-SRF
Post Doc
3.2.1 & 3.2.2 Research Funding
3.4.3 Ph.Ds Awarded (2019-2023)
3.4.4 Research Publication
3.4.5 Book Chapters
3.6.2 Extension & Outreach Programmes
Criteria-04 (Infrastructure and Learning Resources)
Infrastructure & Learning Resources
Criteria-05 (Student Support and Progression)
5.1.1 Student Scholarships
5.1.3 Skill Enhancement Programs
5.1.4 Student Grievances & Redressal
5.2.1 Students Placement
5.2.2 Student Progression to HE
5.2.3 Student Qualified SET/NET Exams
Criteria-06 (Governance, Leadership and Management)
6.2.2 Institutions e-governance
6.3.3 Faculty Development Programmes
6.4.2 Funds / Grants received from government bodies/non government
6.5.2 Institution s Quality assurance:
Criteria-07 ( Innovations and Best Practices)
7.1.1 Best Practices of the Deptt.
7.1.2. Ext. Activities of the Deptt.
Alumni of the Department
Former Head of the Deptt
Former Faculty of the Deptt.
Register as Alumni
Timetable of OE and GE Courses for 3rd Semester- Batch-2023; Dated: 16-8-2024
Selection list of candidates for admission to Ph.D Programme in Geography; Dated: 9-8-2024
Datesheet of M.A/M.Sc Disaster Management 2nd semester Batch 2023; Dated: 18-7-2024
Datesheet of M.A/M.Sc Geography 2nd semester batch 2023; Dated: 18-7-2024
Datesheet of M.A/M.Sc Disaster Management 4th semester batch 2022; Dated: 18-7-2024
Datesheet of M.A/M.Sc Geography 4th semester batch 2022; Dated: 18-7-2024
Datesheet of OE and GE Courses for 4th Semester- Batch-2022; Dated: 26-6-2024
Datesheet of OE and GE Courses for 2nd Semester- Batch-2023; Dated: 12-6-2024
Datesheet of M.A/M.Sc Geography and M.Sc Disaster Management 3rd semester batch 2023; Dated: 18-12-2023
Datesheet of M.A/M.Sc Geography and M.Sc Disaster Management 1st semester batch 2023; Dated: 18-12-2023
VIKSIT BHARAT @2047; Dated: 18-12-2023
Datesheet of OE and GE Courses for 3rd Semester- Batch-2022; Dated: 29-11-2023
Datesheet of OE and GE Courses for 1st Semester- Batch-2023; Dated: 29-11-2023
Date extended for Research Associate and Field Investigator; Dated: 9-10-2023
Advertisement Notice for Research Associate and Field Investigator; Dated: 3-10-2023
Practical Examination of M.A/M.Sc Geography 2nd semester Batch-2022; Dated: 21-9-2023
Datesheet of OE and GE Courses for 4th Semester- Batch-2021; Dated: 23-8-2023
Datesheet of M.A/M.Sc Disaster Management 2nd sem Fresh(2022)/ Backlog/ Div.Imp., Spring 2023; Dated: 11-7-2023
Datesheet of M.A/M.Sc Geography 2nd sem Fresh(2022)/ Backlog/ Div.Imp., Spring 2023; Dated: 11-7-2023
Datesheet of OE and GE Courses for 2nd Semester- Batch-2022; Dated: 27-6-2023
Timetable of OE and GE Courses for 4th Semester- Batch-2021 w.e.f; Dated: 25-5-2023
Attention 1st (batch-2022) and 4th semester (batch-2020) students; Dated: 14-3-2023
Date sheet for M.A/M.Sc Disaster Management 4th Semester- Batch-2020; Dated: 19-12-2022
Date sheet for M.A/M.Sc Geography 4th Semester- Batch-2020; Dated: 19-12-2022
Date sheet for M.A/M.Sc Disaster Management 1st Semester- Batch-2022; Dated: 19-12-2022
Date sheet for M.A/M.Sc Geography 1st Semester- Batch-2022; Dated: 19-12-2022
Datesheet of OE and GE Courses for 1st Semester- Batch-2022; Dated: 29-11-2022
Datesheet for OE and GE Courses of 4th Semester- Batch-2020; Dated: 7-11-2022
Schedule of One Week Training Programme; Dated: 17-10-2022
One week training programme on " Earthquake Risk Mitigation and Management"; Dated: 13-10-2022
Attention Integrated Ph.D Scholars of the Department; Dated: 22-9-2022
Timetable of OE and GE Courses for 1st Semester- Batch-2022; Dated: 20-9-2022
PhD Viva voce Notice; Dated: 21-9-2022
Datesheet for M.Sc Disaster Management 2nd Semester- Batch-2021; Dated: 16-9-2022
Datesheet for M.A/M.Sc Geography 2nd Semester- Batch-2021; Dated: 16-9-2022
Datesheet of OE and GE Courses for 2nd Semester- Batch-2021; Dated: 16-8-2022
Time Table for OE and GE Courses of 4th Semester- Batch-2020; Dated: 2-8-2022
Notice of Scholarship for the year 2022-23; Dated: 22-6-2022
Notice for Ph.D Applicants; Dated: 23-6-2022
Datesheet for M.A/ M.Sc Geography 3rd sem. Batch-2020; Dated: 9-6-2022
Datesheet for M.A/ M.Sc Disaster Management 3rd sem. Batch-2020; Dated: 9-6-2022
Datesheet of OE and GE Courses for 3rd Semester- Batch-2020; Dated: 12-5-2022
Datesheet for M.Sc Disaster Management1st Semester- Batch-2021; Dated: 6-4-2022
Datesheet for M.A/M.Sc Geography 1st Semester- Batch-2021; Dated: 8-4-2022
Ph. D Admission Notification; Dated: 4-4-2022
Datesheet of OE and GE courses for 1st semester batch 2021; Dated: 16-2-2022
Time table of GE and OE coures for 3rd semestee; Dated: 15-2-2022
Provisional list of candidates who have qualified entrance test for Ph. D programme in Disaster Management; Dated: 12-1-2022
Datesheet of M.Sc Disaster Management 4th semester (Batch-2019); Dated: 22-9-2021
Revised datesheet of M.A/M.Sc Geography 4th semester (Batch-2019); Dated: 22-9-2021
Special Supplementary Examination of OE Course, Batch-2017; Dated: 22-9-2021
Rescheduled date of viva voce for M.A/ M.Sc Geography 4th semester; Dated: 2-6-2021
Notification for 4th semester students of M.A/M.Sc Geography and M.Sc Disaster Management; Dated: 28-5-2021
Examination timings for M.Sc Disaster Management Batch 2020; Dated: 28-5-2021
Guidelines of online Examination for M.A /M.Sc Geography and M.Sc Disaster Management of 1st and 4th semster Batch 2020 and 2018 Respt.; Dated: 20-5-2021
Notice for M. A/M.Sc Geography and Disaster Management 4th semester Batch 2018; Dated: 20-5-2021
Dateshet for 4th semester students of M.A/M.Sc Geography Batch 2018; Dated: 20-5-2021
Datesheet for M. A/M. Sc Geography and Disaster Management 1st semester Batch 2020; Dated: 20-5-2021
Guidelines of online Examination for OE and GE courses of 1st semster Batch 2020; Dated: 16-5-2021
Datesheet for OE and GE courses of 1st semester Batch-2020; Dated: 8-5-2021
Notice for M. A/M.Sc Geography and Disaster Management 4th semester; Dated: 4-5-2021
Datesheet for OE and GE courses of semester 1st; Dated: 17-4-2021
Reschedule Datesheet for M. A/M. Sc Geography 4th semester; Dated: 17-4-2021
Reschedule Datesheet for M. A/M. Sc Geography 3rd semester; Dated: 17-4-2021
Revised Datesheet for online Examination of M.A M.Sc Geography and Disaster Management 3rd semester Batch 2019; Dated: 9-4-2021
Notice for M. A/M.Sc Geography and Disaster Management 3rd semester; Dated: 30-3-2021
Revised Datesheet for M. A/M. Sc Geography and Disaster Management 3rd and 4th semester; Dated: 29-3-2021
Datesheet for M. A/M. Sc Geography and Disaster Management 4th semester Batch 2018; Dated: 18-3-2021
Datesheet for M. A/M. Sc Geography and Disaster Managements 3rd semester Batch 2019; Dated: 18-3-2021
Time Table for OE and GE Course of Batch 2020; Dated: 18-2-2021
Viva Voce Examination of practical courses of M.A/M.Sc Geography and Disaster Management (Batch-2018); Dated: 18-2-2021
Tender Notice for the procurement of Hanheld GPS; Dated: 10-2-2021
Datasheet of Special Supplementary Examination of OE and GE Courses Batch 2018 and Batch 2019; Dated: 3-2-2021
Datasheet for the Examination of OE/GE Courses 3rd (Batch-2019) and 4th semester(Batch-2018); Dated: 3-2-2021
Three days online Training Programme on " Climate Change and Future Trends in Disaster Management"; Dated: 27-1-2021
Notice for M. A/M.Sc Geography and Disaster Management 3rd and 4th semester; Dated: 12-12-2020
Datesheet for M. A/M. Sc Geography and Disaster Management 3rd and 4th semester; Dated: 12-12-2020
class work GE OE; Dated: 5-12-2020
Interaction session with 1st smtr. students of M.A/M.Sc Geography and M.Sc Disaster Management batch-2020; Dated: 18-11-2020
Practical course examination of P.G Geography and DM (2nd semtr.); Dated: 8-10-2020
Notice of Admission form submission to the students of 3rd sem. Of PG Geography and DM; Dated: 5-10-2020
Attention Integrated Ph.D Scholars for submission of Synopsis; Dated: 1-10-2020
Attention Integrated Ph.D Scholars for submission of Progress Report; Dated: 1-10-2020
Attention Integrated Ph.D Scholars for submission of Progress Report; Dated: 1-10-2020
Revised guidelines of online examination for 2nd and 3rd semester; Dated: 8-9-2020
Revised guidelines of online examination for 2nd and 3rd semester; Dated: 8-9-2020
Revised guidelines of online examination for 2nd and 3rd semester; Dated: 8-9-2020
Datesheet of online examination of M. A/ M. Sc Geography and M. Sc Disaster Management (2nd and 3rd semtr.); Dated: 8-9-2020
Attention those who missed practical course examination of M.A/M.Sc Geography (1st and 2nd semester) and M.Sc Dis. Management (2nd semester); Dated: 2-9-2020
List of M. A /M. Sc Geography and M. Sc Disaster Management (1st and 2nd smtr.) students who failed to appear in their online examination; Dated: 14-8-2020
Revised Datesheet for M.A/M.Sc Geography (1st , 2nd and 3rd semester) Backlog/Div. Improvement and supplementary; Dated: 13-8-2020
Examination of papers missed of M.A/M.Sc Geography and M.Sc Disaster Management (1st and 2nd semester) batch 2018 and 2019; Dated: 13-8-2020
List of candidates provisionally admitted to integrated M.Phil and Ph.D programme in the Department of Geography; Dated: 11-8-2020
Datesheet of Practical Examination of M.A/M.Sc Geography and M.Sc Disaster Management (1st and 2nd semester ); Dated: 11-8-2020
Datesheet for M.A/M.Sc Geography (1st , 2nd and 3rd semester) Backlog/Div. Improvement and supplementary; Dated: 11-8-2020
Examinations of Course work for Pre-Ph.d Papers of Researh Scholars of Geography and Disaster Management (Batch-2018); Dated: 8-8-2020
Result Notifiation for M.Phil/Ph.D Programme-2020; Dated: 8-8-2020
Undertaking to be produced by the students who opted OE and GE courses in the Department of Geography; Dated: 24-7-2020
Weightage of various components of OE and GE courses offered by the Department; Dated: 21-7-2020
Revised Datesheet of 2nd component of examination(online mode) for 1st and 2nd semester of M.A/M.Sc Geography and Disaster Management; Dated: 14-7-2020
Gudelines of online examination for the students of M.A/M.Sc Geography and Disaster Management; Dated: 13-7-2020
Datesheet of 2nd component of examination(online mode) for 1st and 2nd semester of M.A/M.Sc Geography and Disaster Management; Dated: 11-7-2020
Online Counselling cum Interaction for Ph.D and Intergrated M.Phil/Ph.D Programme on 25-06-2020; Dated: 20-6-2020
Online classes for OE and GE courses of Batch 2018 and 2019; Dated: 5-6-2020
ROUTE PLAN FOR STAFF; Dated: 20-5-2020
Duty Roster for teaching Staff; Dated: 20-5-2020
Duty Roster for Non-teaching Staff; Dated: 20-5-2020
Datesheet for M.A/M.Sc Geography and Disaster Management 1st and 2nd Semester(Batch 2018 & 2019); Dated: 12-3-2020
Datesheet for M.A/M.Sc Geography and Disaster Management (1st & 2nd semester); Dated: 6-3-2020
Departmental Scholarship for Registered Ph.D Scholars; Dated: 19-2-2020
Practical examination of M.Sc Disaster Management (1st semester), Batch-2018; Dated: 3-12-2019
Viva Voce of Course No. GG17404DCE Entitled Dissertation-Project Work of 4th Semester-Batch-2017; Dated: 3-12-2019
Practical examination of M.Sc Disaster Management (3rd & 4th Semester), Batch-2017; Dated: 23-10-2019
Datesheet for M.A/M.Sc Geography 4th Semester,Batch-2017; Dated: 23-10-2019
Notice of Integrated M.Phil/Ph.D Programme for the Academic year-2019-20; Dated: 21-10-2019
Practical Examination of Course No. GG18104CR; Dated: 16-7-2019
Commencement of classwork of 1st semester of M.A/M.Sc Geography & Disaster Management Batch-2019; Dated: 6-7-2019
Rescheduled examination for M./Sc Disaster Management 1st Semester, Batch-2018; Dated: 27-6-2019
Datesheet of Open and Generic Elective courses for 1st Semester ,Batch-2018; Dated: 25-6-2019
Datesheet for M.Sc Disaster Management 4th Semester,Batch-2017; Dated: 25-6-2019
Rescheduled examination for M.A/M./Sc Geography 1st Semester, Batch-2018; Dated: 25-6-2019
Examinations postponed scheduled on 20th June-2019; Dated: 8-6-2019
Revised Datesheet of M.Sc Disaster Management 1st semester Batch-2018; Dated: 1-6-2019
Revised Datesheet of M.A/M.Sc Geography 1st semester Batch-2018(Regular, Division Improvement/Mercy Chance session June-2019); Dated: 1-6-2019
Rescheduled examination of Field Studies GG17303; Dated: 22-5-2019
Allotment of Supervisors to the Ph.D Candidates of DM; Dated: 14-5-2019
Practical Examination of Course No. GG17303CR Entitled "Field Studies"; Dated: 9-5-2019
Notice for Integrated Ph.D Scholars; Dated: 8-4-2019
Revised Datasheet for third semester of M.Sc Geography Batch-2017; Dated: 27-3-2019
Datesheet for 3rd Semester of M.A/M.Sc Geography Batch-2017; Dated: 23-3-2019
Internal Examination of 3rd semester students of batch-2017; Dated: 18-3-2019
Resheduled Datesheet of DM17310OE (Disaster Prevention); Dated: 11-3-2019
Corrigendum for tender for Equipments; Dated: 6-3-2019
Datesheet of Open & Generic Elective courses for 3rd Semester of M.A/M.Sc Geography & Disaster Management Batch-2017; Dated: 19-2-2019
Integrated Ph.D Programme in Disaster Management; Dated: 14-2-2019
Allotment of Supervisors to the Candidates for admission to Integrated Ph.D Programme; Dated: 12-1-2019
Datesheet for 3rd Semester of M.Sc Disaster Management Batch-2017; Dated: 28-12-2018
Attention Research Scholars of Batch-2017; Dated: 20-12-2018
Attention All Research Scholars; Dated: 13-12-2018
Attention M.Phil/Ph.D Entrance in Disaster Managaement Qualifiers; Dated: 13-12-2018
Result Notification for M. Phil /Ph.D and Integrated Ph.D programme-2018; Dated: 28-11-2018
Rescheduled datesheet of 2nd Semester of Geography and Disaster Management (Regular/Backlog); Dated: 24-11-2018
Interaction with 1st Semester Students of M.A/M.Sc Geograpghy n Disaster Management- Batch-2018; Dated: 3-11-2018
Notice to 1st Semester students of M.A.M.Sc Geography & Disaster Management Batch-2018; Dated: 1-11-2018
Notice to Research Scholars Batch-2017; Dated: 31-10-2018
Practical Examination of 2nd Semester of M.A/M.Sc Geography, Batch-2017; Dated: 25-10-2018
Rescheduled Datasheet for Field Studies and Dissertation of M.A/M.Sc Geography & Disaster Management; Dated: 19-10-2018
Interaction related to Course No. GG17201CR (Climatology) with Dr. Mohmmad Shafi Bhat; Dated: 6-10-2018
Postponement of Viva-Voce of Field Studies (Geomorphic & Socio-Economic ) of M.A/M.Sc 3rd Smester Batch-2016; Dated: 5-10-2018
Interaction related to Course No. GG17202CR (Remote Sensing & GIS) with Dr. Javeed Ah. Rrather; Dated: 1-10-2018
Dates sheet for Project Work/Dissertation and Field Studies Tour Report (Batch-2016); Dated: 1-10-2018
List of Candidates provisionally exempted from appearing in the Entrance test for admission to Integrated M.Phil/Ph.D Programme; Dated: 27-9-2018
Datesheet for 2nd and 3rd Semester of M.A/M.Sc Geography Batch-2017; Dated: 24-9-2018
Datesheet for Supplementary/Backlog Examination of Elective Courses (1st to 4th Semester ) Batch 2015 and 2016; Dated: 15-9-2018
Datesheet for 2nd Semester of M.A/M.Sc Geography and Disaster Management Batch-2017; Dated: 21-7-2018
Revised Datesheet for OE&GE Courses of 4th Semester Batch-2016; Dated: 2-7-2018
Datesheet for Generic and Open Elective { GE&OE } Courses of 2nd Semester Batch-2017; Dated: 29-6-2018
Datesheet for 2nd Semester of M.A/M.Sc Geography and Disaster Management Batch-2017; Dated: 7-6-2018
Datesheet for 4th Semester of M.A/M.Sc Geography Batch-2016; Dated: 2-6-2018
Revised Datasheet for 4th semester of M.Sc Disaster Management Batch-2016; Dated: 2-6-2018
Datesheet of OE&GE Courses for 4th semester Batch-2016; Dated: 29-5-2018
Notice for backlog candidates of M.A/M.Sc Geography Batch-2016; Dated: 23-5-2018
Notice for OE & GE Courses of 1st Semester Students batch-2017; Dated: 25-4-2018
Datesheet for Geography & Disaster Management 2nd semester (Batch-2017); Dated: 21-4-2018
Notice for OE & GE Courses of 1st Semester Students batch-2017; Dated: 18-4-2018
Notice for OE & GE Courses of 1st Semester Students Batch-2017-18; Dated: 16-4-2018
Attention 1st semester students batch-2017; Dated: 28-3-2018
Viva voce of 4th semester students batch-2015; Dated: 21-2-2018
Datesheet for Geography and Disaster Management (1st semester)Backlog Candidates; Dated: 6-2-2018
Viva Voce of Dissertation { 4th Semester Students of M.A/M.Sc Geography Batch-2015}; Dated: 1-2-2018
Attention 4th Semester Students of M.A/M.Sc Geography Batch-2015; Dated: 12-1-2018
Attention 4th Semester Students of M.A/M.Sc Geography Batch-2016; Dated: 6-1-2018
Class work for 2nd and 4th Semester Students of M.A/M.Sc Geography and Disaster Management; Dated: 24-11-2017
Attention M.A/M.Sc Disaster Management (4th Semester) Students; Dated: 24-11-2017
Rescheduled Datesheet 3rd semester Batch 2016; Dated: 16-11-2017
Class work for OE and GE Courses Batch-2017; Dated: 18-10-2017
Datesheet for OE and GE Courses batch-2016; Dated: 18-10-2017
Revised Datesheet for M.A/M.Sc Geography and Disaster Management 3rd semester( Batch-2016); Dated: 7-10-2017
Datesheet for M.A/M.Sc Geography and Disaster Management 1st semester; Dated: 7-10-2017
Practical Course Examination 3rd & 4th Semester; Dated: 28-9-2017
Revised Datesheet for GE&OE Courses; Dated: 28-9-2017
Datesheet M.A M.Sc Geography and Disaster Management 4th semester; Dated: 6-9-2017
Notice for Integrated Ph.D Aspirants; Dated: 15-5-2017
Pract. Examn 2nd Sem.(Geog/DM); Dated: 15-5-2017
Board of P.G Studies Meeting; Dated: 21-11-2014
Avail BSR Fellowship; Dated: 9-12-2014
Theory-Practical Exam of 2nd Semtr.Students; Dated: 13-5-2012
Selection List of PG-DDM; Dated: 10-5-2012
Practical Exam. of 1st Semester students; Dated: 12-4-2012
Practical Exam. of 4th Semester students; Dated: 9-3-2012
M.Phil Viva Voce (12th and 17th April-2012); Dated: 14-12-2011
DIQA Information; Dated: 18-8-2011
Faculty Meeting; Dated: 15-6-2011
Incharge Grievance & Redressal
Academic Counsellors
Incharge Research/ Intnl Admissions
Incharge Examination
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