3-Days online Training Programme on Disaster Management in Mountain Area with Special Refrennce to Kashmir Himalaya

Department of Geography and Regional Development , University of Kashmir and National Institute of Disaster management, Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt of India New Delhi is organizing a 3 days online training programme on Disaster Management in Mountain Area with Special reference to Kashmir Himalaya from 11-13th Nov-2020 from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm
Event Address for Attendees:
Meeting Number: 1769346639: Password: Nov@2020
Kindly Note :
1. Minimum 80% attendance on each day of training Programme is mandatory to be eligible for the certificate .
2. Attendance will be counted only in the cisco webex platform.
3. Same link will be used for all the three days of training programme.
Participants can register themselves for the training programme using the link: https://forms.gle/dGWsm5P9gWwhcNE6.
Join by vide system:
Dial 1769346639@uok.webex.com
you can also dial and enter your meeting number.
join by phone +65-6703-6949 Singapore Toll Access Code : 1769346639

  • Event Date: 11-Nov-2020 - 13-Nov-2020
  • Venue: https://uok.webex.com/uok/j.php?MTID-m66b613abe5b40c592b0e27fdeb164820
  • File: View