Three days online Training Programme on " Climate Change and Future Trends in Disaster Management"

Climate Change and Future Trends in Disaster Management
"Three Days Training Programme"
Join the meet using the link below.
Wednesday, Jan 27, 2021 10:30 am | 11 hours | (UTC+05:30)
Meeting number: 176 761 9491
Password: Climate2021
1. To develop an understanding on global climate change and associated risks among the participants.
2. To build resilience of  human resource for tackling problems related to climate change-induced disasters through nature-based climate solutions for disaster risk reduction
3. To develop network among participants from varied backgrounds through this training program.
You can Register for the Programme using the link.
Join by video system
Note: A Certificate of Participation will be issued after successful completion of this training programme.

  • Event Date: 27-Jan-2021 - 29-Jan-2021
  • Venue: 
  • File: